Your status message is a space for sharing your thoughts and feelings on LINE. You can let everyone know how you're doing, or check your friends' status messages from your friend list.
To set your status message:
1. Tap Settings > Profile.
2. Tap Status message.
3. Enter a message, then tap Save.
To go to the Status message settings on your iPad, tap here.
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Updates to your profile or cover photo are posted to your story by default. If you don't want an update to be shared in your story, uncheck Share to stories at the bottom of the photo editing screen.
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Give your profile some extra personality by adding a cover photo.
To change your cover photo:
1. Tap your icon at the top of the Home tab.
2. Tap your cover photo.
3. Tap Edit at the top of the screen > Open camera or Select photo or video.
Note: If you've already set a profile cover, selecting Delete profile cover will reset it to the default photo.
4. After making the necessary edits, tap Done or Save.
If you want to set a video, you need to trim it and choose which part of the video you want to play.
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