Hiding/deleting chats

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To delete all of the data from your chats 1. Tap the Home tab > Settings > Chats.
2. Tap Delete data.
3. Tap Delete next to the content you want to delete, or tap Delete all data > Delete.

To delete data from individual chats 1. Go to the Chats tab and tap the relevant chat > the menu icon > Settings.
2. Tap Delete data.
3. Tap the All periods drop-down menu and select the period that you want to delete data for (iOS only).
4. Tap Delete next to the content you want to delete, or tap Delete all chat data and messages > Delete.

You can also see a list of your chats in order of how much data they use (from most to least data) and delete their data from there. To do so, tap the Home tab > Settings > Chats > Delete data > Delete data by chat.

Important: Once data is deleted, it cannot be restored.

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