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Transferring/creating a LINE account
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Users that live in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, or Thailand
You need a device that can receive text messages or phone calls and a valid phone number to create a new LINE account.Note:
- Landlines, phone numbers starting with 050, and virtual phone numbers can't be used.
- Be sure to use a phone number offered by a mobile service provider.
If you're using a non-smartphone cell phone for children, you won't be able to create or use a LINE account. If you're using a smartphone for children and cannot receive text messages, either create a new LINE account with Call me instead or check your contracted plan with your mobile service provider.
Note: The above information does not apply to some countries.

To create a new LINE account, refer to the steps below.
Creating a new LINE account with text message verification
Text message verification is a verification method that can be used on devices that can receive text messages.To create a new LINE account with text message verification:
1. Open LINE and tap Sign up.
2. Select your country, enter your phone number, check the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, then tap the arrow > OK or Send.
- For users in Thailand, you can only proceed to the next screen if you're at least 11 years old.
- For users in Korea, you can only proceed to the next screen if you're at least 14 years old and you've agreed to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.
3. Enter the verification code you received via text message.
- On some Android devices, the verification code is entered automatically. In this case, skip to the next step.
- If you see a message that says "Welcome back, XXXX!" after entering the verification code, tap No, that's not me > Next.
4. Tap No, create a new account.
5. Enter a name, set a profile icon, and tap the arrow.
6. Create a password and tap the arrow.
Important: Your password must contain 8-20 non-repeating half-width characters, and be a combination of at least three of the following types (for more information, refer to Setting a secure password):
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
7. Choose whether to add friends from your device's contacts, then tap the arrow.
8. For users in Japan, choose whether to verify your age.
9. Confirm the "Regarding Usage of Your Information" consent screen.
Creating a new LINE account with the Call me instead option
Selecting the Call me instead option on the phone number verification code input screen lets you verify your phone number by receiving an automated phone call.Note: The Call me instead option is only available in some countries.
To create a new LINE account with the Call me instead option:
1. Open LINE and tap Sign up.
2. Select your country, enter your phone number, check the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, then tap the arrow > OK or Send.
- For users in Thailand, you can only proceed to the next screen if you're at least 11 years old.
- For users in Korea, you can only proceed to the next screen if you're at least 14 years old and you've agreed to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.
3. Tap Call me instead at the bottom of the verification code input screen.
4. Tap Continue.
5. After receiving the automated phone call, enter the verification code you were given.
Note: If you see a message that says "Welcome back, XXXX!" after entering the verification code, tap No, that's not me > Next.
6. Tap No, create a new account.
7. Enter a name, set a profile icon, and tap the arrow.
8. Create a password and tap the arrow.
Important: Your password must contain 8-20 non-repeating half-width characters, and be a combination of at least three of the following types (for more information, refer to Setting a secure password):
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
9. Choose whether to add friends from your contacts, then tap the arrow.
10. For users in Japan, choose whether to verify your age.
11. Confirm the "Regarding Usage of Your Information" consent screen.
Related Help article:
I verified my phone number, but I see someone else's name
Users that live in other countries

- LINE account creation using a phone number was discontinued from LINE version 13.11.0.
To create a new LINE account:
1. Open LINE and tap Sign up.
2. Confirm the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, then select your country and tap Continue with Apple or Continue with Google.
- Please select the country you actually live in.
- For users in European Economic Area (EEA) member countries, you can only proceed to the next screen if you're at least 16 years old and you've agreed to the Privacy Policy.
3. Log in to your Apple ID or Google account.
4. Enter a name, set a profile icon, and tap the arrow.
5. Create a password and tap the arrow.
6. Choose whether to add friends from your contacts, then tap the arrow.
7. Confirm the "Regarding Usage of Your Information" consent screen.
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