Creating an account/Changing account information
Users that live in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, or Thailand
You need a device that can receive text messages to create a LINE account. If you don't have a device that can receive text messages, you can verify your phone number with the Call me instead option if your device supports voice calls.Note:
- Even if your device can receive text messages, you will not be able to use virtual phone numbers or phone numbers that start with 050.
- Be sure to use a phone number offered by a mobile service provider.
If you're using a non-smartphone cell phone for children, you won't be able to create or use a LINE account. If you're using a smartphone for children and cannot receive text messages, either create a new LINE account with Call me instead or check your contracted plan with your mobile service provider.
Note: The above information does not apply to some countries.

To create a new LINE account, refer to the steps below.
Creating a new LINE account with text message verification
Text message verification is a verification method that can be used on devices that can receive text messages.To create a new LINE account with text message verification:
1. Open LINE and tap Sign up.
2. Select your country, enter your phone number, check the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, then tap the arrow > OK or Send.
- For users in Thailand, you can only proceed to the next screen if you're at least 11 years old.
- For users in Korea, you can only proceed to the next screen if you're at least 14 years old and you've agreed to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.
3. Enter the verification code you received via text message.
- On some Android devices, the verification code is entered automatically. In this case, skip to the next step.
- If you see a message that says "Welcome back, XXXX!" after entering the verification code, tap No, that's not me > Next.
4. Tap No, create a new account.
5. Enter a name, set a profile icon, and tap the arrow.
6. Create a password and tap the arrow.
Important: Your password must contain 8-20 non-repeating half-width characters, and be a combination of at least three of the following types (for more information, refer to Setting a secure password):
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
7. Choose whether to add friends from your device's contacts, then tap the arrow.
8. For users in Japan, choose whether to verify your age.
9. Confirm the "Regarding Usage of Your Information" consent screen.
Creating a new LINE account with the Call me instead option
Selecting the Call me instead option on the phone number verification code input screen lets you verify your phone number by receiving an automated phone call.Note: The Call me instead option is only available in some countries.
To create a new LINE account with the Call me instead option:
1. Open LINE and tap Sign up.
2. Select your country, enter your phone number, check the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, then tap the arrow > OK or Send.
- For users in Thailand, you can only proceed to the next screen if you're at least 11 years old.
- For users in Korea, you can only proceed to the next screen if you're at least 14 years old and you've agreed to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.
3. Tap Call me instead at the bottom of the verification code input screen.
4. Tap Continue.
5. After receiving the automated phone call, enter the verification code you were given.
Note: If you see a message that says "Welcome back, XXXX!" after entering the verification code, tap No, that's not me > Next.
6. Tap No, create a new account.
7. Enter a name, set a profile icon, and tap the arrow.
8. Create a password and tap the arrow.
Important: Your password must contain 8-20 non-repeating half-width characters, and be a combination of at least three of the following types (for more information, refer to Setting a secure password):
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
9. Choose whether to add friends from your contacts, then tap the arrow.
10. For users in Japan, choose whether to verify your age.
11. Confirm the "Regarding Usage of Your Information" consent screen.
Related Help article:
I verified my phone number, but I see someone else's name
Users that live in other countries

- LINE account creation using a phone number was discontinued from LINE version 13.11.0.
To create a new LINE account:
1. Open LINE and tap Sign up.
2. Confirm the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, then select your country and tap Continue with Apple or Continue with Google.
- Please select the country you actually live in.
- For users in European Economic Area (EEA) member countries, you can only proceed to the next screen if you're at least 16 years old and you've agreed to the Privacy Policy.
3. Log in to your Apple ID or Google account.
4. Enter a name, set a profile icon, and tap the arrow.
5. Create a password and tap the arrow.
6. Choose whether to add friends from your contacts, then tap the arrow.
7. Confirm the "Regarding Usage of Your Information" consent screen.
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Topics covered
- About main and sub devices
- Differences between a main and sub device
- Allowing logins on sub devices
About main and sub devices:
Main device
Your main device (typically your smartphone) is the device you used to create your LINE account. On your main device, you can manage your LINE account information, such as your phone number, email address, and password. To change your main device and use the same LINE account when you change devices, you need to transfer your LINE account.

Sub device
When you use the same LINE account as your main device on other devices (typically PCs or tablets), those devices are referred to as sub devices. By logging into a sub device with the LINE account information you registered on your main device, you'll be able to use the same account on both devices.

- Logging in to LINE for iPad
List of devices that can be used as a main or sub device
Refer to the table below for devices that can be used as a main or sub device. For example, an iPhone can only be used as a main device, and cannot be used as a sub device.
Main device | Sub device | ||
Smartphone | iPhone | Yes | No |
Android | Yes | Yes | |
Tablet | iPad | Yes | Yes |
Android | Yes | Yes | |
PC | Windows | No | Yes |
Mac | No | Yes | |
Chrome | No | Yes |
Differences between a main and sub device:
Some features are restricted when using LINE on a sub device but are available on your main device, including:
• Managing your LINE account information such as your phone number, email address, and password
• Transferring your LINE account
• Changing your Letter Sealing settings
• Backing up your chat history
Allowing logins on sub devices:
To allow logins to LINE on sub devices, refer to the steps below.
1. On your main device, tap the Home tab >

Note: Tap here to go to your Account settings from your main device.
2. Turn Allow login ON.
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To change your phone number registered to LINE, follow the steps below.
Note: If you want to change your phone number to one from a different country, refer to Changing to/registering a number from a different country.

- You cannot change your phone number for 24 hours after transferring your LINE account for security reasons. If you want to change your phone number after transferring your LINE account, please try doing so after 24 hours.
If you can receive text messages
1. Open LINE on the main device your account is registered to.2. Tap the Home tab >

Note:Tap here to go to your Account settings.
3. Tap Phone number.
4. Enter your phone number and tap Next.
5. Enter the verification code you received via text message.
If you can't receive text messages
If you can't receive text messages, you can change your phone number with the Call me instead option.Note: The Call me instead option is only available in some countries.
To change your phone number, see the steps below.
1. Open LINE on the main device your account is registered to.
2. Tap the Home tab >

Note:Tap here to go to your Account settings.
3. Tap Phone number.
4. Enter your phone number and tap Next.
5. Tap Call me instead at the bottom of the verification code input screen.
6. Tap Continue.
7. After receiving the automated phone call, enter the verification code you were given.
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To change to/register a phone number from a different country, see the steps below.

If you can receive text messages

2. Back up your chat history.
3. Uninstall the LINE app.
4. Reinstall the LINE app.
5. Open LINE and tap Log in > Log in with another method > Log in with phone number.
6. Enter your country and phone number you want to change to, then check the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy and tap

7. Enter the verification code you received via text message.
- On some Android devices, the verification code is entered automatically. In this case, skip to the next step.
- If you see a message that says "Welcome back, XXXX!" after entering the verification code, tap No, that's not me > Continue.
8. On the "Do you already have an account?" screen, tap Yes, transfer my account.
9. Select a login method, enter the phone number or email address registered to your account, and tap

Note: If you're not currently using LINE in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, or Thailand, you can only enter an email address.
10. Enter your password and tap

Note: If you forgot your password, see [When transferring your LINE account] If you forgot your password.
11. Confirm the account that is displayed and tap Log in.
12. Choose whether or not to configure other settings.
Note: Depending on the country, additional confirmation or verification may be required.
If you can't receive text messages
You can change/register your phone number with the Call me instead option.Note: The Call me instead option is only available in some countries.

2. Back up your chat history.
3. Uninstall the LINE app.
4. Reinstall the LINE app.
5. Open LINE and tap Log in > Log in with another method > Log in with phone number.
6. Enter your country and phone number you want to change to, then check the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy and tap

7. Tap Call me instead at the bottom of the verification code input screen.
8. Tap Continue.
9. After receiving the automated phone call, enter the verification code you were given.
Note: If you see a message that says "Welcome back, XXXX!" after entering the verification code, tap No, that's not me > Continue.
10. On the "Do you already have an account?" screen, tap Yes, transfer my account.
11. Select a login method, enter the phone number or email address registered to your account, and tap

Note: If you're not currently using LINE in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, or Thailand, you can only enter an email address.
12. Enter your password and tap

Note: If you forgot your password, see [When transferring your LINE account] If you forgot your password.
13. Confirm the account that is displayed and tap Log in.
14. Choose whether or not to configure other settings.
Note: Depending on the country, additional confirmation or verification may be required.
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This Help article explains how to register a password and what to do if you've forgotten your password.
Topics covered
- Registering/changing/checking your password- Making a secure password
Registering/changing/checking your password:

- If you don't know your password, please change it.
- You cannot change your password for 24 hours after transferring your LINE account for security reasons.
If you still have the device you can access LINE on
To register or change your password:1. Open LINE from the device you can access LINE on.
2. Tap the Home tab >

Note: Tap here to go to the Account screen from your smartphone.
3. Tap Password.
Note: If you're asked to unlock the screen, use the unlock method you have configured on your device, such as your passcode or biometric information (e.g. fingerprint, face). Do not use the password registered to your LINE account.
4. Enter your new password twice, then tap Change password.
Important: Your password must contain 8-20 non-repeating half-width characters, and be a combination of at least three of the following types (for more information, refer to Making a secure password):
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
If you're transferring your LINE account and no longer have the device you could access LINE on before changing models
Note: The contents of this section only apply to LINE accounts created with LINE versions earlier than 13.11.0 if you're not using LINE in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, or Thailand.

- If you've linked a Google account or Apple ID, transfer your LINE account by referring to scenario No. 9 in I'm having issues when transferring my LINE account.
- If you haven't linked a Google account or Apple ID, you will be unable to transfer your LINE account. Please create a new one.

- If you stop in the middle of transferring your LINE account after resetting your password, you will need to reset it again.
- If you see a message saying "The email address you entered isn't registered to your LINE account." at step 7, tapping Forgot your email address? will let you check part of your registered email address. Please refer to the hint and try another email address you think is registered to the relevant account.

If you see a message saying "Incorrect password entered. Please try again" despite resetting it, it's possible that the email address registered to the account you're trying to transfer is not the same as the email address you entered in step 7 below.
1. Open LINE on your new device and tap Log in.
2. Tap Log in with another method > Log in with phone number.
3. Select your country, enter your phone number, check the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, then tap

4. Enter the verification code you received via text message.
Note: On some Android devices, the verification code is entered automatically. In this case, skip to the next step.
5. Tap Yes, that's my account.
Note: Or tap No, that's not me > Yes, transfer my account > Log in with previous number or Log in with email address, and enter your registered information.
6. Tap Forgot your password?
7. Enter the email address registered to your LINE account, then tap OK or Send.
8. Check the email that was sent to the address you entered.
9. After checking the email, return to the LINE app, put a check next to "I have confirmed the password reset email," and tap Continue.
10. Create a password and tap

Important: Your password must contain 8-20 non-repeating half-width characters, and be a combination of at least three of the following types (for more information, refer to Making a secure password):
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
If you don't receive the password reset email, see the following Help article.
I'm not receiving the password reset email
Making a secure password:
When setting a password, it's important for it to be secure and difficult for other people to guess.
To set a secure password, make sure it:
• Is a complex combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
• Doesn't use personal information, such as:
- Your nickname or initials.
- The name of a child or pet.
- A birthday or anniversary of you or a loved one.
- Your address.
• Doesn't use typical strings of characters or words, such as:
- Easy to guess words or phrases (e.g. "password" or "iloveyou").
- Consecutive letters or numbers (e.g. "123456" or "abc123").
- Strings that follow the keyboard layout (e.g. "qwerty" or "1q2w3e").
Note: Your password must contain 8-20 non-repeating half-width characters, and be a combination of at least three of the following types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
For the best online security, make sure not to recycle passwords, but rather to set and safely manage a different passcode/password for each online service you use.
Making use of software and OS features to manage your passwords is another way to achieve secure password creation and management. You can get a complex password with ease and peace of mind by using a software feature to automatically generate a password.
If you use software to manage your passwords, you can use all different passwords for each service without the burden of remembering them.
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Topics covered
- About your password
- About your email address
- [On the device you can access LINE on] Registering/changing/checking your email address
- [On the device you can access LINE on] Changing your password
- [When transferring your LINE account] If you forgot your password
- [When transferring your LINE account] If you can't proceed because a message saying a registered email address is required appears
About your password:
You are required to enter your password when:
• You're transferring your LINE account (only with some methods).
• You're logging in to LINE on a device other than the smartphone version of LINE (e.g. iPad, PC).
• You're logging in to the browser version of a LINE service (e.g. LINE STORE).
Registering or changing your password:
When you create a LINE account, you will be asked to register a password.
To check the password registration status for your current LINE account:
1. From your main device, go to the Home tab.
2. Tap

Note: Tap here to go to your Account settings from your main device.
If a password has not been registered, please register one.
If you want to change your password, see [On the device you can access LINE on] Changing your password. If you forgot your password when transferring your account, see [When transferring your LINE account] If you forgot your password.
If you forgot your registered password:
For security reasons, there is no way to check your registered password. In this case, please change your password.
- If you don't have a device you can access LINE on, you need the email address that was registered to your LINE account in advance in order to change your password.
- If you don't have a device you can access LINE on and also didn't register an email address in advance, you'll be unable to change your password.
About your email address:
You are required to enter your email address when:
• You're transferring your LINE account (only with some methods).
• You're logging in to LINE on a device other than the smartphone version of LINE (e.g. iPad, PC).
• You're logging in to the browser version of a LINE service (e.g. LINE STORE).
• You don't have a device you can access LINE on and wish to change your password.
You can register an email address anytime, as long as you have a device you can access LINE on.
If you forgot your registered email address, you can check and change your registered email address anytime, as long as you have a device you can access LINE on.
If you're using a LINE account created on a smartphone on LINE for PC (Windows, Mac, Chrome), you can check your email address on those platforms by clicking

[On the device you can access LINE on] Registering/changing/checking your email address:

- You cannot register or change your email address for 24 hours after transferring your LINE account for security reasons.
Registering an email address
1. Open LINE on the main device your account is registered to.2. Tap the Home tab >

Note: Tap here to go to the Account screen from your smartphone.
3. Enter an email address, then tap Next.
4. Enter the verification code, or tap the URL in the email you receive > OK.
Note: If you can't register your email address, make sure you didn't enter any blank spaces.
If you don't receive the email to confirm your email address registration, see the following Help article.
I'm not receiving the password reset or email address registration completion email
Changing your registered email address
1. Open LINE on the main device your account is registered to.2. Tap the Home tab >

Note: Tap here to go to the Account screen from your smartphone.
3. Tap Email address > Change your email.
Note: If you're asked to unlock the screen, use the unlock method you have configured on your device, such as your passcode, PIN code, or biometric authentication (e.g. fingerprint, face). Do not use the password registered to your LINE account.
4. Enter a new email address, then tap Next.
5. Enter the verification code or tap the URL in the email you receive.
- If you can't register your email address, make sure you didn't enter any blank spaces.
- If you've set a passcode, Touch ID, or Face ID on your device, you need to unlock it when you change your email address.
If you don't receive the email to confirm your email address registration, see the following Help article.
I'm not receiving the password reset or email address registration completion email
Checking your registered email address
1. Open LINE on the main device your account is registered to.2. Tap the Home tab >

Note: Tap here to go to the Account screen from your smartphone.
3. Tap Email address.
4. Your email address will appear under Change your email.
[On the device you can access LINE on] Changing your password:

- If you don't know your password, please change it.
- You cannot change your password for 24 hours after transferring your LINE account for security reasons.
If you forgot your password when transferring your account, see [When transferring your LINE account] If you forgot your password.
1. Open LINE from the main device you can access LINE on.
2. Tap the Home tab >

Note: Tap here to go to the Account screen from your smartphone.
3. Tap Password.
Note: If you're asked to unlock the screen, use the unlock method you have configured on your device, such as your passcode or biometric information (e.g. fingerprint, face). Do not use the password registered to your LINE account.
4. Enter your new password twice, then tap Change password.
Note: Your password must contain 8-20 non-repeating half-width characters, and be a combination of at least three of the following types (for more information, refer to Making a secure password):
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
[When transferring your LINE account] If you forgot your password:
If you forgot your password when transferring your account, see the information below that corresponds to your situation.

- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
If you still have the device you can access LINE on
Try transferring your account again after changing your password from the device you can access LINE on.1. Open LINE on the main device your account is registered to.
2. Tap the Home tab >

Note: Tap here to go to the Account screen from your smartphone.
3. Enter your new password twice, then tap Change password.
Note: If you're asked to unlock the screen, use the unlock method you have configured on your device, such as your passcode or biometric information (e.g. fingerprint, face). Do not use the password registered to your LINE account.
If you don't have the device you can access LINE on
Note: The contents of this section only apply to LINE accounts created with LINE versions earlier than 13.11.0 if you're not using LINE in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, or Thailand.You can change your password using the email address registered to your LINE account.

- If you've linked a Google account or Apple ID, transfer your LINE account by referring to scenario No. 9 in I'm having issues when transferring my LINE account.
- If you haven't linked a Google account or Apple ID, you will be unable to transfer your LINE account. Please create a new one.

2. Tap Log in with another method > Log in with phone number.
3. Select your country, enter your phone number, check the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, then tap

4. Enter the verification code you received via text message.
Note: On some Android devices, the verification code is entered automatically. In this case, skip to the next step.
5. Tap Yes, that's my account.
Note: Or tap No, that's not me > Yes, transfer my account > Log in with previous number or Log in with email address, and enter your registered information.
6. Tap Forgot your password?
7. Enter the email address registered to your LINE account, then tap OK or Send.
8. Check the email that was sent to the address you entered.
9. After checking the email, return to the LINE app, put a check next to "I have confirmed the password reset email," and tap Continue.
10. Create a password and tap

- If you stop in the middle of transferring your LINE account after resetting your password, you will need to reset it again.
- If you see a message saying "The email address you entered isn't registered to your LINE account" at step 7, tapping Forgot your email address? will let you check part of your registered email address. Please refer to the hint and try another email address you think is registered to the relevant account.

If you see a message saying ”Incorrect password entered. Please try again" despite resetting it, it's possible that the email address registered to the account you're trying to transfer is not the same as the email address you entered in step 7 above.
[When transferring your LINE account] If you can't proceed because a message saying a registered email address is required appears:
When transferring your account, if a password is not registered or if you tap Forgot your password? and an email address is not registered, a pop-up message will prompt you to register an email address.
Please see the information below that corresponds to your situation.
If you still have the device you can access LINE on
From the device you can access LINE on, try transferring your account again after registering an email address and changing your password.
1. From the device you can access LINE on, tap the Home tab >

Note: Tap here to go to the Account screen from your smartphone.
2. Enter an email address, then tap Next.
3. Enter the verification code, or tap the URL in the email you receive > OK.
To change your password:
1. On the same device, tap the Home tab >

Note: Tap here to go to the Account screen from your smartphone.
2. Enter your new password twice, then tap Change password.

- Your password must contain 8-20 non-repeating half-width characters, and be a combination of at least three of the following types (for more information, refer to Making a secure password):
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
Note: The contents of this section only apply to LINE accounts created with LINE versions earlier than 13.11.0 if you're not using LINE in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, or Thailand.
Transferring your LINE account with the same phone number
Transferring your LINE account with a different phone number
If you don't have the device you can access LINE on
The device you can use your LINE account on is needed to register, change, or check your email address. If you no longer have the device you can access LINE on, refer to the following sections.If you've linked an Apple ID or Google account:
Transfer your LINE account by referring to scenario No. 9 in the following Help content.
I'm having issues when transferring my LINE account
If you haven't linked a Google account or Apple ID:
You will not be able to transfer your LINE account. In this case, please create a new LINE account.
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To set a secure password, make sure it:
• Is a complex combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
• Doesn't use personal information, such as:
- Your nickname or initials.
- The name of a child or pet.
- A birthday or anniversary of you or a loved one.
- Your address.
• Doesn't use typical strings of characters or words, such as:
- Easy to guess words or phrases (e.g. "password" or "iloveyou").
- Consecutive letters or numbers (e.g. "123456" or "abc123").
- Strings that follow the keyboard layout (e.g. "qwerty" or "1q2w3e").
Note: Your password must contain 8-20 non-repeating half-width characters, and be a combination of at least three of the following types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
For the best online security, make sure to set a different passcode/password for each online service you use. Please set different passwords for each internet service to manage them more securely.
Making use of software and OS features to manage your passwords is another way to achieve secure password creation and management. You can get a complex password with ease and peace of mind by using a software feature to automatically generate a password.
If you use software to manage your passwords, you can use all different passwords for each service without the burden of remembering them.
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