
Updated: February 7, 2025

This Help article covers methods and examples of LINE account-stealing scams, as well as what to do when your account has been compromised.
warning icon  Attention
Any attempts to ask for your LINE registered information (phone number, email address, password) or verification code, or for you to enter it on a screen, are all scams. Your LINE registered information will not be used for any purpose other than transferring your LINE account yourself.

Topics covered

Methods and examples of LINE account-stealing scams

How a LINE account can be stolen

What to do if you accidentally logged in on a phishing site

Actions to take if your LINE account might have been stolen

Things that may occur if your LINE account is stolen

Methods and examples of LINE account-stealing scams:
This section covers specific examples of ways accounts are stolen, as well as sample messages or texts that are used in these scams. All of the following messages are scams. If you receive any of the following kinds of messages, do not respond to them.

Message content and examples
• Messages saying, "Your account has been restricted (or your LINE data has disappeared). Log in from the link below to help us lift the restriction on your account."
Accessing the links in these types of messages will redirect you to a fake LINE login screen. LINE does not use these types of methods to lift restrictions on accounts (due to violating our Terms of Use), or to restore lost data.

• Messages from someone pretending to be a delivery person, saying things like "You need to reschedule a delivery," "Delivery address unknown," or "Your package was kept on hold," trying to get you to access a URL.
Accessing the URLs in these messages may result in the installation of malicious apps or files, or redirect you to phishing sites posing as delivery services, potentially allowing remote access to your text messages. This unauthorized access poses the risk of third parties using your text messages to verify your phone number and create a LINE account without your consent.

• Messages impersonating a friend through LINE or social media, asking you for your phone number or verification code.

• A message urging you to take an online poll, saying something like, "Can you vote for my pet?"
Messages urging you to participate in an online poll, such as to vote for someone's pet, will lead you to a screen that prompts you to enter information such as your phone number and password registered with LINE.

How a LINE account can be stolen:
Many unauthorized logins (thefts) of LINE accounts occur due to actions such as those mentioned below.

Your account can be stolen if you:
• Shared your phone number registered to LINE and verification code with a third party (including a friend or family member).
• Entered your phone number and verification code on a screen other than the one for transferring your LINE account.

Malicious acts of getting you to enter your LINE registered information (phone number, email address, password) or verification code into a fraudulent screen to steal your LINE account are called phishing. Phishing scams use various tactics, such as pretending to be one of your contacts or a company, or sending messages that create anxiety about your LINE account's security being compromised.

If you received a message like the ones above, do not open any links within the message or enter your email address and password on any login screen that appears after accessing a link. Even if you accidentally logged in, DO NOT enter the verification code under any circumstances.

What to do if you accidentally logged in on a phishing site:
If you accidentally logged in on a phishing site:
1. Change your LINE password.
2. Change your password for other companies' services.
Important: If you’re using the same password you registered on LINE with other companies' services, immediately change those passwords, as it’s possible the scammers will attempt to log in to those accounts as well.
3. Contact LINE.
Note: If you come across any suspicious emails or messages claiming to be from LINE, please report them.

Actions to take if your LINE account might have been stolen:
If it's possible your LINE account was stolen, see the following Help article.

My LINE account was or may have been stolen

Things that may occur if your LINE account is stolen:
When your LINE account is stolen, your family members and friends may experience the following issues.

• Your family and friends may be sent messages asking them to buy prepaid cards or WebMoney cards/tickets.
• Your email address and password registered to LINE changes.
• Money is withdrawn from a bank account linked to your LINE Pay account.

If you've been victimized, please contact the police immediately.

See also:
My LINE account was or may have been stolen

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