
To configure notifications on LINE for PC, see the following sections.

Muting/unmuting all notifications To toggle the Mute all notifications/Unmute all notifications setting, refer to the section below for the platform on which you use LINE.

Windows To mute or unmute all notifications, click mute icon or speaker icon with a line through it on the main menu and toggle the Mute all notifications/Unmute all notifications setting.

If circle icon with a line through it appears on mute icon on the main menu, it means that either:
• You have Windows selected as your notification style and you have notifications turned off in your Windows system settings.
• You have Focus turned on in your Windows system settings.
Note: The name of the setting may differ depending on your OS.

If you want to unmute all notifications in either of the cases above from the LINE main menu, click mute icon with circle icon with a line through it on it > Go to Settings and turn on Notifications or turn off Focus from your Windows system settings.
Note: You can also configure your notification settings by clicking menu icon at the bottom of the main menu > Settings > Notifications and adjusting the options under Notification method.

Mac To mute or unmute all notifications, click mute icon or speaker icon with a line through it on the main menu and toggle the Mute all notifications/Unmute all notifications setting.
Note: You can also configure your notification settings by clicking menu icon at the bottom of the main menu > Settings > Notifications and adjusting the options under Notification method.

Chrome To mute or unmute all notifications, click mute icon or speaker icon with a line through it on the main menu and toggle the Mute all notifications/Unmute all notifications setting.
Note: You can also configure your notification settings by clicking menu icon at the bottom of the main menu > Settings > Notifications and adjusting the options under Notification method.

To turn off LINE notifications for only a certain period:
1. From the main menu, click mute icon .
2. Select how long you want to mute notifications.

Once the period you selected ends, notifications will automatically turn back on. If you want to turn notifications on before the period you selected ends, click speaker icon with a line through it with timer icon on it on the main menu.

Configuring each notification method and rule To configure each notification method (e.g. sound notification, pop-up notification) and rule, click menu icon at the bottom of the main menu, Settings > Notifications and check or uncheck the box for the setting you want to configure.
information icon  Useful info
For Windows users:
- Under Notification style, you can choose whether you want to receive notifications based on your settings in the LINE app or your Windows system settings.
- Selecting Default will display notifications according to your LINE app settings, regardless of your Windows system settings.
- Selecting Windows will display notifications according to your settings configured in Windows.
- If you have Focus turned on in your Windows system settings (under Windows > Settings > System > Focus), it will determine what notifications you see, regardless of whether your notification style is set to Default or Windows.
- The name of the setting may differ depending on your OS.

Configuring chat notifications
Configuring notifications for specific chats You can turn notifications on or off for a specific chat using one of the methods below.

To mute/unmute notifications from a chat:
• Click menu icon at the top of the chat > Mute chat or Unmute chat.
• Click mute icon or speaker icon with a line through it at the top of the chat.

To mute/unmute notifications from your chat list:
1. Right-click the chat that you want to configure notifications for.
2. Click Mute chat or Unmute chat.

Configuring chat mention notifications 1. Click menu icon at the bottom of the main menu > Settings.
2. Click Notifications.
3. Under Notification rules, check or uncheck the box for Send notifications whenever someone mentions me.
Note: If this setting is turned on, you'll be notified whenever you're mentioned in a chat, even if chat notifications are turned off.

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