Group-related issues

Your use of the service may have been restricted due to violating (or being suspected of violating) the Terms and Conditions of Use. Below are the main standards for what constitutes violations.

• Posting content that is generally considered unacceptable, such as abusive language, obscene content, or any other obscene expressions.
• Exchanging personal information (e.g. phone number, address, LINE ID), or continually inviting or soliciting others to meet in person.
• Engaging in any unlawful acts, such as the illegal trading of banned substances, stocks, etc.
• Acts of planning or inviting minors to inappropriate meetings or assemblies.
• Acts deemed to be spamming, such as sending multiple stickers or posts in a row over a short period of time.
Note: For security reasons, we do not provide details regarding the basis for what violates our Terms and Conditions of Use, or why the service has been suspended.

The temporary suspension period is between 24 hours and seven days. However, suspensions longer than seven days may be applied depending on the details of the violation.
Note: You can use the suspended feature again once the suspension period is over.

Please refer to Standards regarding posts on LINE on LINE Safety Center and take care not to engage in any activity that could result in your use being suspended in the future.

If you don't remember doing anything that could have violated the Terms of Use:
warning icon  Be advised
Our response may be the same as this Help article if you still decide to contact us for further details regarding the activity that violated our Terms of Use.

If you would like us to look into the matter, please keep the important points above in mind and contact us via the Inquiry Form.

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